Thursday, June 3, 2010

31 DAYS!

That's right folks....31 DAYS!!! In a little over a month, I will be taking Jennifer as my wife. Yippee!! Wahoo!! Party on!!

I am so pumped right now it's not even funny. Sometimes I get our wedding bands out of their safekeeping place and just look at them for a while with a grin that some people would classify on the verge of crazy. Just thinking about having her as my wife brings a smile to my face and tears (of joy) to my eyes. Of course, along with all this excitement comes some of the nervous jitters that rightfully should be felt. If one DOESN'T feel these, there is something wrong with them! Just some of the things I get nervous about are:

1. Will I be a good husband to her and be able to love her the way I so desperately want to?

2. Will the transition to living in the same place work out and will we be able to adapt to each other's idiosyncracies?

3. Will I be able to keep her entertained so she doesn't resign me to the attic? :)

4. Will I be cooking or cleaning up?

Don't get me wrong - I am ALL for this marriage. I love Jennifer with all my heart, body, and soul. She is my perfect fit. I just really want to make sure that I have a successful marriage. As we get closer to the big day, I'm sure I will feel a myriad of emotions, both positive and negative, but I am striving to give all my cares to God, because He "cares for [me]". Jennifer is doing the same and we are working together and separately to make sure the He is at the center of our marriage. We pray each night that not only will the wedding be a success, but also the the marriage that follows.

Please comment by giving me some tips on how to deal with the emotional roller coaster I'm feeling and/or rendering some tips for a successful marriage. Come on, be creative! :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Josh. Your post is such a wonderful testimony to how you feel about our daughter. It just makes me love you even more! As long as you keep that attitude and the desire to be the husband she needs, you WILL be.
