Monday, August 16, 2010

Monday Mania!

A couple of pictures for your viewing pleasure. I hope you get a chuckle of of my weirdness. I sure did. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My How Time Flies!

As I sit here, listening to the sound of rain and with a quiet house around me, my mind begins to wonder about all that has happened (and will be happening) recently. Today is officially the 1 month mark since I married the love of my life, Jennifer! I can't believe it! It seems like it was maybe a couple weeks ago, but yes, it HAS been a month. I've got the calendar to prove it! :) Being married to Jennifer has opened my eyes to a lot. For example, there has always been the head knowledge of how Christian marriage is a way to glimpse the love of God toward us, but now I truly think I can begin to grasp it in my heart. Obviously, we won't know that full scale and depth of that love until Heaven, but there are times when words are useless (or just not there) to convey my love for my wife. I just have to sit in awe of this. It has also deepened my love for God and my thankfulness towards Him for all his mercies and love that we don't even deserve.

She is so good to me. I LOVE MY WIFE!!

In other news...the other big "time flies" moment is that, once again, school is starting in a week! Yes, I knew it was coming, but man how I will MISS my summer break. Tears will be shed. Fetal position will be obtained. ;) Every year, I find that I have mixed emotions about the beginning of school. On one hand, I am very excited to begin anew and fresh with kids, hoping for great learning moments and fun times with the students. I especially am excited to meet my incoming 6th grade students, who are experiencing middle school for the first time. It shall be interesting. On the other hand, I feel like I could always use just a BIT more break. I savor my free time and try to recoup my strength (mental, emotional, physical) to deal with the up's and down's of middle school students.
This year, I am really trying harder than ever to see my work not only as a paycheck, as a profession, but also as a mission field. I truly believe that God has put me here and that I should show God's love to these wonderful, frustrating teens, even when it is REALLY hard to do. This excites me and hopefully will make my teaching and their learning all the better. Mold me, LORD... Until next time!