Thursday, July 2, 2009

Long Time, No Blog

Dear fine blog followers:

I apologize profusely for my long absence from blogging. Life has been so incedibly busy, so let me give you a run-down of my life the last month or so:

First off, I have been working hard for the last couple summers on my master's degree at Western Michigan University. I have worked on a couple week long workshops and am now bogged down in coursework to finish my degree this summer. In fact, I actually walked through graduation this past Saturday. It felt slightly anti-climactic to walk through commencement, knowing full well I had a course load of classes the Tuesday afterwards. Nevertheless, I am so overwhelmed with what has been accomplished and how I had thought for a long time I would not get this far. It was also a great privilege to have my girl, Jennifer, to attend and support me in this chapter of my life. She is so awesome.

Also, previous to all of this, I had road-tripped back from Las Vegas with my parents. It was SOOOO hard saying goodbye to my family back West. My nephew was the hardest to leave, as he kept saying, "I wanna go with Papa, Grandma, and Uncle Josh in the purple car!" Tears flowed freely from him, Papa, Grandma, and me for about an hour after leaving Vegas. Yes, I cried. No, I am not afraid to admit it! Any way, we travelled 3 days back, seeing some of the greatest country around - mountains (with snow), forests, plains, and big cities. I had a good time with the 'rents, but I have come to the conclusion that 3 days is the MAX any adult child can travel with his/her parents. Maybe I should research this phenomenon...hmm....I don't think so!

For you blogging afficionados, I hope to get back to regular blogging toward the end of July. Keep me in your prayers as I work through this LAST summer of study.

Until next blog,
Josh :)

1 comment:

  1. I like reading your blogs. Congrats on the commencement ceremony; I am proud of you! :)
