Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas Time Is Here

Yes, I am referencing the ever-famous tune from "A Charlie Brown Christmas". I LOVE Christmas! I enjoy the lights, the snow (for a period of time), and the opportunity to spend time with people I love.

Today begins what I have entitled "Christmas Extravaganza 2010". We begin today at my in-laws for brunch and what hopes to be a gift opening PAAARRRR-TAY! Woot! Presents aside, I really like spending time with them - they are down-to-earth and just like to have fun and celebrate with loved ones. Tomorrow is the Hren version. I always like going back to my childhood home and reliving those awesome Christmas mornings growing up. This time I get to go back with my wife and live it up even more. I love my family!

As for an opportunity to celebrate, just Jennifer and I, we may open a gift here sometime early next week, but our fun lies in JAMAICA! I am soooo ready to escape to warm temps, and lots of sun. WOOO HOOO! I am also pumped because this is my first overseas trip and I can't wait to experience that. We will take a present or two to open (that is, if TSA doesn't open it for us - sheesh!) and enjoy lots of down time, just the two of us. Obviously this will not be an annual tradition, but one that we will remember, I'm sure.

Despite getting away this time of year, we still put up a Christmas tree. Albeit a SMALL tree, it is a beautiful tree. It kind of reminds of Charlie Brown's tree - small and kind of wimpy, but still a work of art. Memories were made decorating it, and we savor every one of them.

Merry Christmas everyone! Remember to tell your family and friends you love them, and share God's love with those around you.

Until 2011,


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