Wednesday, June 3, 2009

What is Up with Christian Radio??

Hey's me again!  Ready for round 2?

I am becoming very worried about the state of Christian radio these days.  Why, you ask?  Well, as I was running some errands yesterday evening, listening to my tunes, I heard a DJ on a local Christian radio station talk about how they would be discussing how one's astrological sign might determine whether or not they are a good driver.  I did a double take - astrological signs?!  Could they be serious??  How in the world could they in good conscience air something having to do with astrology, a very popular occult practice, and not think twice about it??  Needless to say I was (and still am) very angry - that's all there is to it.  If this were some mainstream rock or pop station, I wouldn't be suprised.  But come on, Christian radio?! 

Well, needless to say, I have expressed my concerns to this radio station via e-mail.  Yes, I was very professional and straight-forward.  This alleviated a good deal of my anger, but now I feel sad more than anything else.  Christian radio has been an ally in some very bad times for me and to see (and hear) them broadcasting this kind of material makes me wonder how long it will be before it can only be called "inspirational".  So sad...all I can say is: Lord, come back soon!

I would like to hear your thoughts on this subject.  What do you think the deal is, and, should we who are Christians be angry?  Think on this.

Until next time!

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